Good Data Benefits for All!

Good Data Benefits for All!

Good Data Benefits for All!

I have read with interest during the last few weeks that data acquisition and exploitation should and can be used for the good of society. These reports are suggesting data exploitation can be used to predict where certain areas of the world may be prone to outbreaks of deadly disease, which can alert authorities to take the relevant actions to reduce the impact of these outbreaks and allow them to be better prepared to obtain the necessary resources to deal with these diseases before they have time to take a hold, which may result in the reduction of fatal/serious harm to the population at most risk!

Other comments observed suggest that data should be used to reduce crime, such as serious violence towards persons and attacks on private property, again exploiting information data to predict the area, location and type of crime that might be undertaken, my opinion being this data prediction technology will only get better with the onset of IOT, and therefore assisting law enforcement agencies in protecting the public more efficiently whilst managing reduced resources.

Recently whilst having a conversation with a criminology academic, it appears law enforcement are overwhelmed with useful data which can and should be used for the good of society but instead is being left idle and un analyzed due to a lack of adequate investment in both expertise and finances. Recent legislation (GDPR) which is justified but currently is so new and untested is currently a barrier to innovation by the appropriate agencies, coupled with the influences of lobbyist/activist groups who do make good arguments for the overly intrusive surveillance culture of our current government.

What is the answer? Perhaps we need to look more closely how the integration of good data can benefit society with regards to the safety of the public at the same time allowing their rights of privacy to be maintained.

Here is an idea to start! This may only be achieved by asking the activist/lobbyist, what would they see as an appropriate use of information data and how would they use it to protect society? We might then begin to move forward with innovating and creating the necessary tools to help protect society whilst also protecting their well-deserved rights and entitlements.